Friday, September 18, 2009

It's amazing how reality can slap you in the face. The funny thing was I knew it was happening, I understood...but one moment in my life dominoed into so many things. I was on my way to Alabama, I had just visited friends and family for my son's first birthday, I was about 70 miles from my destination and I hit something lying in the road. Now most cars would have been able to drive right over this object, but my GTO is lower than most normal cars. Whatever this object was, it was hard, metal, and my car did not go over it willingly. I hit it so hard I knocked six Cd's of track in my CD player, my car actually lifted off of the ground. It ended up causing about $9500 worth of damage to my car. The insurance company totaled my car. The damages were 70% of the vehicles total worth. Can you believe that? I'm not sure what is worse, the fact that they wouldn't fix my car or that my car is that upside down. I still owe $26000 on my loan! Anyway, I had prepared myself for this. I looked at all the angles I told myself that right now with the way our finances are it was for the better. I had talked myself into it, I went to the mechanics shop and got all my stuff out. When my insurance agency called I had to tell them that it was ok for the car to be picked up. The mechanic's wife called me, she said that I had forgotten some Cd's in the car. So I went to pick them up, and my car wasn't there. And for some reason with that one bit of knowledge that my car was gone, I broke down. Yes, I loved my car; who wouldn't a 2005 GTO 6.0, six speed, 400 hp? But it wasn't the materialistic thoughts that were running threw my head. It was the thought that "it's all gone". Have you ever had that thought? I got divorced, my husband kept the house. Then he sold it. He took my dogs to the pound, the ones I left with him. My two dogs that I kept passed away, Daisy, the white German Sheppard we picked up together. My chocolate lab, Bo, that he picked out for me; who was my friend and constant companion. My cat, Goliath passed away also, the cat he picked out for us. Then I lost my car, a car he bought for me one of his last grand gestures of how much he loved me. And all I could think was that if I walked away from my new life I would have nothing but myself. It was a strange finalization on my life as I had known it, A closed chapter.I cried for the knowledge that no matter what you can't go back. Things are materialistic and you can't take it with you. The most precious things is the love we give, and the friendships we provide. I've always believed that everything happens for a reason. God doesn't give us anything that we can't handle right? He has given me a new chapter in my life, a new family and today a new dog.