Friday, November 13, 2009

Too smart...

Andrew is right over 14 months now and getting smarter by the day. When he sees the dogs or when they bark he says dog, or "daoo. All the horses are "Bo". The cats are "dut" I guess he thinks they are all named Duchess. Our dog Jake is "O Jake Jake". The other morning Shane told him to go find his shoes so they could go feed the horses, when Shane found him he was trying to put his shoe on. Later that day Grammy told him to hand her his socks so she could put them on him. He started to hand them to her than sat down and laid it on his foot. He knows that when something is hot you blow on it. We went to a friends house and they had a burn barrell, from where he was standing about 4 feet back he started blowing at it. He blows on food, candles, dirt. I taught him how to blow his nose, he has a runny nose from his sinuses. So now he scruntches up his nose and blows out the boogies so Mommy can wipe them. This has taught him how to get it all out, with our without the tissue. But, you have to specify, if you want him to blow his nose you have to say "blow your nose" or "blow on it" if it's hot. So we don't get boogies in the food and nothing in the tissue. This morning he was walking around with a tissue and trying to blow into it. His big high-chair is at home so we brought a little one that you sit in another chair, we usually use it for resturants or friends houses, but it sits on the floor in Mom's living room. When he is ready to eat he will go get in it and pull the tray onto his lap, or you can say "do you want to eat? Go get in your chair." And he will go get into it. He found a worm in the house and brought it to his daddy, yuck!