Friday, January 1, 2010

New Years Resolutions

I've never been one for making resolutions. I can't hardly remember to take my vitamins every day; how can I expect myself to remember something so complex? What exactly are resolutions, things we want to change about ourselves or accomplish for the new year? If that is the case I must make these things all year long. How many people actually make a New Year Resolution list and have stuck to it? I would like to know. But, alas I shall fallow the crowd...

I learned about goal setting in my recent class, that should be similar to resolutions right? It's a goal and you have steps to take to be able to complete them...ha ha.
~Becoming more organized, putting my things away instead of laying them around. Taking the extra couple of seconds to finish a task instead of leaving to complete later... maybe this should be under procrastination. I'm very good at that, why change something you are good at?
~Losing weight, isn't that on every one's list? The only difference is I don't care how much weight it is,as long as something gets lost... now how do we do it?
~Don't be afraid of myself, I can become very withdrawn sometimes, I have to remember I am not a turtle I don't have to hide in my shell.
~Smile more.

I guess as the year goes on I shall add to my list...