Sunday, February 7, 2010


I've decided that mornings are for old people. They are happy to wake up every morning and know that they are alive. Not me, I don't want to wake up, I want to sleep. I am not happy to see the sun come up, I like to see it go down. Sunsets are pretty, but they say "wake up! Ready or not, the new day is here. So get up and out of bed!". Sunsets are so much sweeter... they say "well we made it through that one. Tomorrow is a new slate we can try again." That means there is time to sleep. I don't go to bed with the chickens and rise with the roosters, I want to sleep as late as I possibly can! OH how I miss the days of no children waking up at 8 am, 7 am, 6:30 am! Why doesn't he take after Mommy and sleep late! We could even cuddle together, but no...alas we do not sleep late anymore!