Monday, May 3, 2010

An amazing God

Shane was fired from work a few weeks ago. He has been working night shift, seven days a week and he was exhausted. After lunch they weren’t’ busy and he found a quiet place to take a nap. The wrong person found him and they fired him as an example to the others. Shane and I decided that we wanted to buy a feed store that has recently come up for sale. I spent a day there visiting with the owners and getting an understanding of how the store was run. Then Shane and I had a lengthy discussion on the reasons that we wanted to buy the store and that he should talk to his dad about helping us get it. Something told me to push the issue, so I did. She went to his dad, but Sonny turned us down. Later he told Shane’s mom that if we found land that we wanted he would help us buy that instead. Sonny left for New York on Wednesday. Shane and I found a place that we really liked and went to see it Friday morning. Sonny wanted to fly back on Friday, but was unable to move his flight up so Shane’s mom went with us to see the place we found. Afterwards we parted ways, she went to Wal-mart and we went to get something to eat. Shane got a phone call when we were leaving the restaurant, his mom’s blood pressure had spiked really bad while she was in the store and she had indigestion that she couldn’t get rid of. She wanted to let us know that she didn’t feel well and that she was going home to take some meds and lay down. I had a friend a few years ago that had a heart attack. She told me then that she had persistent indigestion before the attack. When I heard the conversation they were having I called my mom, who is a nurse, and told her what was going on. She said that Shane’s mom needed to go to the ER immediately. She did go after much persuasion, and it turned out she was having a heart attack. After all the tests were done, she had three blockages, two 30% and a 70% blockage. They put stints in.

We realized that the events that led to Friday were created by God for a reason. Had Sonny not left for New York they would have passed off the indigestion and the rise of blood pressure, she would have taken her meds and laid down. Or, if Sonny had been able to come home early she would not have left the house that morning and the same path would have been taken. If Shane had not been fired he would have been sleeping and we would not have gone out to see the property and asked her to go with us. It basically comes down to God has a path for all of us and though we may not know what those paths are or why we are taking them, they are there for a reason. We have to be patient and remember that God will reveal himself in due time. Everything happens for a reason! GOD is amazing!