Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Why does it seem like you don't crave something until you start dieting, then that one thing is all you can think about? Good grief! Started yesterday, and other than trying to chew on myself to keep from eating everything I could find I think I did pretty good. Today seemed worse then yesterday! I felt like I was about to starve to death! And yes I fussed at the one person that I let talk me into this diet, because she is my diet buddy...the person who is supporting me as I am her...boy I hope her ears were ringing, lol. I was doing good...until... I went to my mother-in-law's house, hadn't eaten in awhile, had to go to the doctor with Shane and then to Sam's and didn't know when I was going to get to eat...And since her husband is out of town and has been out of town she seems to have very little food in her house...I ate the only thing that was there. Stuffed crust peperoni and mushroom pizza. I didn't eat the stuff crust part because I never do, I don't like that part, but I ate TWO slices...I had lost one pound, yes only one, between yesterday and this morning...well I'm sure when I get up it will be back. UGGG! 55 pounds to go, my birthday is the goal! I can do this! We can do this! Diets suck!