Sunday, April 15, 2012


…I’m not ready for you. I need one more hour…one more hour listening to the bands play under the stars; one more hour sitting with my best friend talking and laughing; one more hour while the kids play baseball, ride bikes and make new friends; one more hour while the husbands do their thing; one more hour grilling and eating outside; one more hour listening to the preacher…I need one more hour watching lives be saved; one more hour watching the preacher wash away sins…I’m not ready for reality, I’m not ready for everything you have in store for me…I’m not ready for the laundry and the dirty dishes; I’m not ready for the stack of bills waiting to be tackled; I’m not ready…I’m not ready for reality

Friday, April 13, 2012

Up the tree

My husband and his childhood best friend embarked on a mission Easter Sunday to cut limbs down from the oak trees that hung over our friends’ parent’s house. Furious with my camera and zoom lens, because the lens is still broken, I was able to take some really good “still” photos, but unfortunately was unable to capture any limbs as they crashed to the ground. One of my favorites is of them both in the tree; our friend at the bottom and my husband towards the top of the tree with the chainsaw. Not sure how he was elected to use the chainsaw, but still fun to photograph.
I’ve been waiting on perfect timing to photograph this barn. It is one of my favorites in the area. There have been several morning that I drive by on the way to work and fuss cause I didn’t bring my camera. So I made a point to put my camera with my purse so I would remember it and for two days the weather was grey and dreary looking and so not my perfect setting… finally on the third day I was blessed with beautiful spring weather and no traffic, since the barn sits on a highly traveled highway. With its pecan tree in full glory this is what I saw. Of course I am never 100% satisfied with my photographs I believe I have my next venture with this barn roughly thought out…