Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Getting over it

I am very thankful for my four best friends, they are the constants in my life...three live way too far away and one is thankfully within screaming distance...they keep me grounded...even with a quick 10 minute phone call I feel better...they accept me for who I am, never make me apologize for it and well honestly if something comes out of my mouth they don't like they tell me about it right then lol...I don't believe in sugar coating things, I don't lie, and I don't apologize for who I am or what I say...I will apologize if you take it the wrong way, if I wanted to be ugly you'll surly know it...i don't have time for petty things in my life, not when I have a four year old who doesn't want to get dressed because his movie isn't over, moving to worry about, a husband to make breakfast for, animals to feed, gas and groceries to buy, a costume to worry about remembering...I don't have time for petty things in my life. I do realize what maybe small to me is large to someone else, but maybe they should analyze it before they get bent out of shape about it...something I'm trying to do myself...I have a house to clean and things to do, I do not care to be eaten up with things half the night and morning, because someone didn't like something I said, because I'm sure there are many things people say that I don't like, I just don't have time to tell them about it...