Friday, April 5, 2013


I see something not every day but on a pretty regular basis that makes me kind of sad. a freshly dug grave, a lawn chair, and an old man... usually with his feet propped up on the grave. I often wonder who it is he visits; a dearly loved wife who was lost tragically to something like cancer or old age; or an old hunting buddy that he's been friend with his whole life? regardless of who it is it's someone who he cares about dearly and is missed very much.
I wrote that a few weeks ago, I haven't seen the man in awhile until today. Its a little rainy this morning yet he sits beside the grave reading a book. What is he reading? A favorite book that belonged to the other person? Is he reading to himself or out loud? I've noticed he always has a book, was reading together one way they used to spend their time?
I haven't completely wrapped my mind around this. Does he miss this person that much, is there that huge of a void in his life and his heart? I do believe yes...
I can't imagine, I don't want to face that day...losing my best friend and love of my life...I don't know if i could heart goes out to this man. Sometimes i want to stop and talk to him, hear his story...but then I don't want to interrupt his time with his loved one.