Thursday, October 15, 2009


I am hoping that if I blog about my dieting that it will actually help me out some. We shall see. I did really good after I had my son, within months I lost all of the weight I had gained during my pregnancy and then some. I was too happy! Some how in between February and March I started putting a few pounds back on. The next thing I know I have gained 16 pounds! 16 pounds!! It's not that I can't believe it, because my jeans are tell tail. So, tomorrow officially starts my first day of the South Beach Diet. After some persuasion from a couple of friends I decided on that one. I will weigh in the morning and keep track of the things I eat. Wish me luck! I am looking forward to getting rid of those 16 nasty pounds, but I will take anything that wants to come off.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Friend or some one I have just met, most people like to tell me their problems. More than once I have thought about a career in Psychology. Why not get paid to listen to other people problems right? I do try to be a good listener and nonobjective. But sometimes it's hard to have sympathy for them. Their problems could be a lot worse. Most days I love my life, but lately it's been stressful. My boyfriend's job involves traveling a lot. We have been lucky in the past. I was able to go to both Alabama and Kansas with him while he worked. You are away form home so much that you make friends and family while you are on the road. While in Kansas we had our son. We came home from Kansas in May. Shane's family is here, his son and his mom and step-dad are with-in 20 minutes and his sister is an hour and a half. The only real reason we call this home is because his son is here. In July Shane took a job in Mississippi. Andrew and I couldn't go with him this time. The job doesn't pay enough for us to get a place and stay with him. So he is lucky enough to be staying with his ex-brother-in-law, his girlfriend and her daughter. There isn't enough room for all of us. We have gone to visit and it's crowded. Well I am here in Texas with our now one year old. Shane's mom isn't allowed to babysit, or just come over to come over. You have to make an appointment to go over there. So I am basically alone here. I stay home pretty much everyday, because if I go out I'm afraid I will spend money that I don't have. And because I don't' know any body to do anything with. If I do need to go some where I have to take Andrew with me, because I don't know anyone that can watch him. Since May I have been away from my son once. I have gotten so depressed lately that I cry at commercials and the news. I don't want to get out of bed in the mornings, and can't wait to put him down for naps so I can go back to sleep. We adopted a puppy a month ago, and between him and Andrew they are the only reasons I get up in the morning. Because I know I have to take care of them. The weather turned cooler and we have been going outside when it isn't wet or rainy. And, we have started going to the library and the park so that I can get out of the house. I guess it's cabin fever. Not really sure. Can you say that you need space from a one year old? I really need to just be alone for a few minutes other than after he has gone to bed. Shane comes home once or twice a month, but I try to let him rest and take care of him. I guess that's what Mommy's and "wives" are for. To take care of people. I feel like screaming some days. So yes, I understand when my friends call me up stressed out because they haven't had a moments piece, or their husbands aren't as help full as they wish they could be. I try to tell them they should be thankful they have a husband around to help out even a little bit. I read an article not to long ago and it made me appreciate when Shane is home. It was a poor women who didn't have a man in her life to help her out, ever. She was a single mom. And I have to say that single parents are amazing people. To juggle a job, school, kids and whatever else, you go single parent. Be appreciative to what you have, cause you could have a lot less. And before you spout off think about what you are going to say and who you are saying it to. Always try to take in the other persons accounts before you speak. And you might realize that you have it better than you think you do. It's not that you can't talk to that person about your problems, but think about it!