Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Tales from the RV Park

My mom was nice enough to let us borrow her camper to come to Florida. But it’s a lot more like camping then I really want. The propane connections don’t work so we don’t have any hot water and I can’t cook inside. So we have cold water only, I have to use the coffee pot and the microwave to heat water for Andrew’s baths and wash dishes. We have a grill that I use to cook on. And I have a griddle that I make breakfast food on. The grill is great, but it doesn’t light when you ignite it, you have to use a lighter. The wind was blowing the other day and I couldn’t keep the fire burning, so Shane had to make a shelter to keep the wind off of the grill. So instead of camping in a canvas tent, we are camping in a really big box, with lights, electricity, air conditioning, and cold water.

The RV Park is made up of elderly people mostly. Everyone is friendly and even though they don’t know mine or Shane’s names, they know who Andrew and Jake, the dog are. They say hello to them as we walk around the park. One lady even saved the little story book that came in her Cheerio’s box for Andrew. And another lady gives Jake treats when we pass by her camper. And one other lady brought us a “Charlie Brown tree” that was given to her. They have golf carts, bikes and electric scooters that they scurry around the park on, and Andrew points them out every time one goes by. He loves anything that moves.

Our other neighbors are squirrels, literally squirrels. They are everywhere here. The park is made up of Spanish moss covered oak trees and palm trees. Yes, that is Spanish moss covered palm trees also. Some of the residents feed them so they aren’t afraid of anything, or anyone. You can walk about a two feet from one before it decides to run away from you. Before we left South Carolina Shane collected a bunch of acorns for me to use as decorations at our wedding reception next fall. It rained the day before we collected them, I know I’m crazy but I can’t see paying for something I can get for free and I don’t know when will be the next chance I get to collect them, so I needed to dry them out. I dried some of them in mom’s oven, but there are a lot that I couldn’t do that to. So I thought I could lay them out here and let them dry. Well Andrew likes to pick them up and throw them, little balls. So I decided since he woke up from his nap early that I would box them back up. It is very hard to box up acorns with a 1 year old helping. He kept running off or loading his dump truck with them and pushing it off and I would have to go fetch him. Then I was talking to the neighbors and the pesky squirrels were in my acorns. Do they get scared when I shoo them away? No, they load up first and then haul fluffy tail! And, we have a hawk that lives in the park and he isn’t afraid of people either. I walked up on him today and was about 5 feet from it before he decided to fly off!

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