Sunday, December 19, 2010

Last night one of my dearest friends had a “cookie swap” at her house with some of the ladies from church. We were talking about how traditions don’t get passed down anymore, quilting is going out, sewing or making your own clothes is not as popular anymore, farming and gardening happen less and less, etc. There are several of us younger generations that would love to learn how to make quilts and I do hope that the older ladies at church will teach us…but this blog isn’t about that…

We also discussed how the youth of our church needed to be more involved in the on goings of church and the world around us. The children collect money that is used to make purchases for families in need, but the children do not do any of the shopping, the children do not take the purchases to the families; the adults do it. The children don’t help to feed the hungry or volunteer in soup kitchens, sit with the elderly, or learn to quilt, or garden or farm. Our farm lands are disappearing because our youth aren’t involved with old traditions.

God spoke to our visiting preacher, Paul, this morning. I had carried the conversation from last night over to mine and Shane’s conversation on the way to church this morning, and God heard that conversation and passed it on to Paul. Paul said that we as parents make sure that we get our children ready for the next game, the next practice or the next rodeo. We make sure they have all of the equipment they need to succeed, but how many of us can say that we are making sure that they are ready for their walk with God? How many of us parents are giving our children the right equipment, or are learning the right lessons to make sure they have a real, personal relationship with God?

I have a bunch of great ideas to pass along to our church and the youth groups there. I hope no one feels I’m stepping on any toes and I pray that God’s message can be shared through me to our youth. I pray that even as small of a church that we are that we as parents and role models can give our children the right tools to know God.

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