Sunday, October 16, 2011

Barn of yester-year

This is the barn that started my “barn daze”. I took this one back the end of July, it’s on the same road as the last barn, just a few miles apart. I’ve noticed that the cute little barns seem to be hidden away, if you are driving by most likely you’ll miss them. This one is tucked up amongst the trees. I was lucky enough to capture it in the sunlight the day I took these pictures; most of the time when I drive by it is covered in shade. The barn itself is a little on the plane side so I played with the coloring a little which gave it a more nostalgic look. I reduced the images so that they would upload faster to my blog, when I did I noticed the clouds in the next to last picture. The other pictures are clsoe ups to the barn, but the last picture I stepped back to include the fence so my focus whenever I've looked at this particular picture has been the fecne, but tonight I noticed the clouds in the background. Pretty neat.

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