Friday, October 7, 2011

Peaking in

I pass this little barn just about every morning when I go to take care of the horses. From one direction it sneaks up on you, I’ve driven past it many times before I realized it was even there. There are a few breaks in the fence that is not grown over with vines. This particular opening makes you feel like you are peaking in on someone’s private moment. This is one of my favorite barns so far.

This second picture is of the same little barn, but I chose to focus on the fence that separated me from the little barn. I don’t believe I am done with this setting just yet. There are a couple other breaks in the fence that one can peak through and get another glimpse of the barn. One morning when I’m not in a hurry I’ll stop again.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Girl these are great pictures of this barn!! I really do feel like I am peeking in on someone elses memories. =)
