Saturday, May 26, 2012

A morning person

I'm by far not a morning person. People that get up with the chickens and are all bubbly get on my nerves...mornings should not come before I'm not a morning person to say the least. Anyone that knows me, knows I can't hardly function before 9:30-10 o'clock...but I sit here in my hammock swing, 6:36 am says my phone, drinking my first cup of coffee...watching the sun rise from the east, slowly creeping from behind the trees that are across the highway from me. This is the only time of day I know north, south, east, and west lol...the small pack of hound dogs I've collected chase each other through the dew covered grass as I  sit here watching the world drive by...its peaceful listening to the birds talk to each other so early in the morning ....the sun has finally crested the trees and I catch a quick glimpse of it before it quietly slips behind a cloud...the rest of my house is still asleep, unaware of anything but sweet sleepy dreams. The little bit I slept last night, I tossed, between coughing fits and my right leg going I sit here, not as a morning person but as someone with too much on her mind, a few things that don't truly have an business being in there, wishing my sinuses would ease up, thankful my leg and foot aren't numb...contemplating a second cup of coffee and settling for watering my garden first...maybe, just maybe I can hose away the things that trouble me...I  could do this morning person thing if it wasn't so early lol.

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