Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Just some random thoughts

I haven't been on here in awhile. I had some random thoughts running through my head. And now that I have sat down to write them down the went out the window... go figure. Oh well, I started two new classes today. For some reason I don't feel equipped or adequate for these. Up to par, maybe is what I'm looking for. Don't feel like I'm giving myself enough time to really concentrate either. But, there is no excuse. None, I have a toddler to chase after and some things to do here and there, but yet I feel like I don't give anything my all anymore...
Started really trying to get back into my photography. I love it and I miss it. Shane and Andrew are my best subjects, besides nature. I always feel myself behind the camera, but then I always judge my work to hard. Would love to put it up somewhere for all to see, good and bad. I'll have to look into starting a website or something maybe.
Thinking about writing a children's book. I have been keeping track of my life experiences and writing them down. I would like to publish them one day too. Erma Bombeck was always a favorite writer of mine, I would like to put some humorous books similar to hers. I guess that's what this blogging is also like...
My little one just turned 18 months Sunday. He is amazing and beautiful. I can't get over how grown he is, how much he is learning. He has a pretty extensive vocabulary now, he can tell you what different animals sound like and he loves to be read to. He loves being outside playing and he mimics what you say and what you do. Especially his daddy. Such a daddy's boy.
Chatted online with an old friend earlier. I miss her and am afraid of her all at the same time. Will have to elaborate on that another time, maybe. I think it's the fact that it stirs up lost memories, ones that for me are easier to put on a shelf than they are for her. Glad to see she is doing well though. She is a beautiful person inside and out.
Ok, so things to work on... waking up and getting things done, lol...making TIME to do things and then doing them!


  1. My layout is the same as yours! I started a blog! Trust me you can make things happen that you need to. I am a full time student with two toddlers. You can do it. I know you can!

  2. Have you thought about Flickr? It's a good place to get some feedback, and it's super fast and easy to get rolling.

  3. Mylynda- thanks for the encouragement!
    Victoria- No, I've never heard of it. Is that the website?
