Sunday, March 28, 2010

The littlest potty

We decided to get Andrew a potty chair. He is showing some of the "tail-tell signs" of potty training, so we thought we would introduce him to it and see how things went. It is a really cute potty, blue and green with frogs and turtles on it. The first day we brought it home he played with it, sat on it and carried it around. The only time I get him to sit on it is at bath time, it is the only time I am absolutely sure that he is going to pee. He sits, and sits and nothing happens but him playing. As soon as I put him in the tub he pees. I grab him up and put him on the potty and tell him "we tee tee in the potty not the tub", but he does not pee. So I put him back in the tub and he pees again! Two nights in a row this is how it goes. So tonight after fighting the tub battle I decided that maybe we should put potty and all in the tub. It worked! I sat Andrew and his potty in the tub, when his feet hit the warm water he peed! I was so excited, I kept telling him he was a good boy and making a fuss over him, Shane came in the bathroom and made a fuss. Andrew just looked at us like we were nuts and went back to playing. Oh well...

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