Saturday, March 27, 2010

All by myself

So yesterday was the first time since January 24th, yes I know the last date, that I have been by myself for any length of time. And when I say length of time I don't mean quite time will Andrew has gone to bed or down for nap. I mean by myself, no screaming toddler in the back seat, no body in the opposite seat annoying me. I went to pick up Jake from the groomers and drop him off at the house, I left Shane and Andrew at Shane's Mom's house. Half way back to from dropping the dog off and picking some things up for Shane did I realized that I was by myself, I had so much on my mind that it didn't even feel like I was alone. Two hours and I didn't even get to enjoy it. I turned off the main highway and onto a back road and took my foot of the gas. I was going to enjoy a few minutes of quietness. Was this what life had turned into? Being so busy that I don't even know I am by myself? Is there so much on my mind, with the rushing around trying to get things done...Once I finished these little thoughts I sped back up, I didn't want to over step my bounds of leaving Andrew at his Nanny's even though Shane was there and it was getting late. Shane needed the stuff I had picked up at the house... so off I went again...

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